The society

Liam Technology based in Italy, works as a distributor on the national territory of the most prestigious international brands of technologically advanced electronic equipment. Selint srl in the last 15 years has been able to grow and establish itself with ever greater professionalism on the constantly evolving market. By making use of highly specialized engineers and first level international consultants, it is able to solve the most varied problems, confirming the technological leadership on the national market in which it carries out its activity.

The staff

Liam Technology is made up of a qualified staff of technicians and collaborators who, with their competence and ability, have allowed the company to establish itself on the national market, confirming stable and continuous relationships with customers.


Liam Technology places the customer and his needs at the center of its attention, providing complete solutions for every specific need.
In the past two years the company has significantly expanded the line of products offered thanks to commercial agreements undertaken with numerous carefully selected companies located all over the world: South Africa, Japan, Taiwan, Lithuania, China, Canada, USA, Europe , Israel, Russia.
Over 30 brands treated, more than 200 types of products, 6 divisions, make up liam Tech current offer on the market.


General purpose and dedicated laboratory measuring instruments and systems – “Automatic Test Equipment”, oscilloscopes, generators, spectrum analyzers, frequency counters, power supplies, multi-channel recording systems, LCR bridges, Power supplies.